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This night the clock in the kitchen 🕰 dings differently, as if something paranormal swapped it for a 697491 В конец треда | Веб
This night the clock in the kitchen 🕰 dings differently, as if something paranormal swapped it for an another. It's 3 am and I'm awake, I've been out with k8n this night to see Oppenheimer movie (impulsively making a remark here how much I love her, but not as a GF, platonically).
Spent hours advising her on her relationship with that shithead Viktor. I feel emotionally fulfilled from being needed and providing something so priceless, although I have my worries that my care to k8n is surrogatting me care to a GF i might have had, which means it either keeps me from finding one, or I'd loosen ties with kate if I finally get into my first romantic relationship of my 19 years of life
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