593 Кб, 405x562
Why are the Ukrainians doing this?
How does that help them?

189 Кб, 1200x909
Hello Russians, I need to know why you're so prideful about WW2.

What did Russians do in WW2? They allied with the Nazis to split Poland, they failed to defend their own country and got half their male population killed in the process. The United States gave you the vehicles to fight back against the Germans and you still for some reason think it was Russia who prevailed. If I was Russian I would be EMBARASSED and ASHAMED of WW2.

The soviets proceeded to RAPE the innocent women and children of Europe and STEAL the land. Only after the USA got done liberating 3 continents did the Russians start to do anything. What do you have to be prideful about? 12 million Russians to 4 million Germans and you still got absolutely fucked. It's embarrassing how bad the Russian people are at war, even Finland fucked you.

The United States liberated Europe, Africa, China and countless pacific islands. We fought all the Axis powers at once and didn't steal the land in the process. You reds share a fucking border with China and guess who saved them? America. The soviets are a fucking embarrassment. The USA and UK never sided with the Nazis during the war.

227 Кб, 742x606
When I arrived in Norway I saw that I can't post in other segments on Dvach, like /b or /pol. And I guess it's because my IP is not russian, but before it wasn't that way. So I questioning - when I can post in other things?

215 Кб, 1024x768
Why Russians looks so different from European people?

323 Кб, 706x675
How did he know it was me?

4,7 Мб, mp4, 640x356, 1:05mp4
In finland we have drunk streamers who make living by getting drunk on camera

6,9 Мб, mp4, 576x1024, 1:40mp4
polish man bulling ukrainian taxi driver in poland

1,6 Мб, 1004x1250
I sometimes enjoy scrolling Google maps, looks at some remote place and then reading about it.

Just imagine being born on an 1.8 square kilometers island in the middle of ocean. What do people even do there? They have roads, they have housing, they have cars, where do they get it from and how?

Also this particular one is an island of colorblind.

57 Кб, 736x777
Saying in public, that I like Russia would put me on a list.

1,3 Мб, 1423x2048
Ethnographic map of Russian empire 1848 is a proof that Ukraine is artificial country and that Ukrainians are actually Russians who have been brainwashed to hate their Russian background.

But in near future they will be returned back to motherland.

154 Кб, 1191x735
What will we ever do without Poccnr gas?!?!

Looks like we've found alternatives to you, poccnrs.

837 Кб, 739x720
Is the obsession with toasters in this game (there's even a special in-game skill for repairing toasters) a reference to some phenomenon of the United States, like SPAM canned food in Britain, or maybe some kind of Texas joke, a cultural phenomenon?

121 Кб, 722x1383
This is the price of a pack of Pringles in a store near my home in Russia.
How much does a pack like this cost in your cunt?

496 Кб, 896x982
What will happen to them and their children when capitalism collapses and people roll back into the era of neo-feudalism?

2,1 Мб, 1500x1216
Looking for solutions for my dandruff and head itchiness i came across this soap, just bought it today on a Russian shop for 2,50€ expecting that it is good.

What can you tell me about it?