1582668524262960.jpg85 Кб, 716x1022
This is true US 119567 В конец треда | Веб
This is true
RU 2 119568
>>567 (OP)
I doubt that author skinned any niggers to prove his point. Need independent factcheck.
US 3 119570
Racist. Shut up
RU 4 119571

>The egg on the left represents tranny lefties, the egg on the right represents right-wing literally hitlers

>Therefore they are the same thing.

Analogy never proves anything. I agree about hitlers tho.
RU 5 119572
Go be freedom of speech hater somewhere else, cuck.
GB 6 119583
He’s right albeit
We need to skin a nigger to see if he’s right
ES 7 119594
shes right, you know
RU 8 119601



>Shut up

GB 9 119602
People already skinned niggers in like, the 16th century and determined that they had different skulls and brains from white people.
MYth-busted.jpg68 Кб, 322x240
RU 10 119603
Thank you, independent fact-ckecker. Deboonked.
RU 11 119605
>>567 (OP)
The right egg run faster
RU 12 119615
>>567 (OP)
Nice message - you need to gut a nigger for him to become a normal white person)
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