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IMG3360.jpeg131 Кб, 1600x423
Do some Russians actually have a Трактор patronymic? It makes me feel fortunate as I have an unfortu GB 120691 В конец треда | Веб
Do some Russians actually have a Трактор patronymic?
It makes me feel fortunate as I have an unfortunate surname
RU 2 120696
>>691 (OP)

>Do some Russians actually have a Трактор patronymic?


>I have an unfortunate surname

WHat surname? My surname is Kill the Ukrainians. Decapitate the Ukrainians. Kick the Ukrainian into the concrete with a U-turn. Soak a Ukrainian child in a trash can. Crucify the dirty Ukrainians. Defecate in the food of Ukrainians. Run the Ukrainians in the sun. Fry the ukrainians in a wok. Throw the Ukrainians into active volcanoes. Urinate in the hohols gas tank. Judo throw Ukrainians into a wood chopper. Roll the heads of the Ukrainians. Report the Ukrainians to the IRS. Karate cuts the Ukrainians in half. Curb stomp pregnant hohols. Lure Ukrainians into quicksand. Crush the Ukrainians in the garbage compactor. Dilute Negroes in a vat of acid. Eat negroes. Disassemble the Ukrainians. Destroy the Ukrainians in the gas chamber. Stomp the skulls of the Ukrainians with boots with steel socks. Cremate the Ukrainians in the oven. Lobotomize the Ukrainians. Mandatory abortions for Ukrainians. Chop the fruits of the crest in the garbage chute. Drown the Ukrainians in fried chicken fat. Vaporize the Ukrainians with a ray gun. Let the old Ukrainians down the stairs. Feed the tufts to the alligators. Cut the tufts with a katana.
kidzonya0(1).mp43,3 Мб, mp4,
576x1018, 0:13
RU 3 120697
GB 4 120717
Worse than my girlfriend who talks about wanting to hunt the Ukrainian refugees in our country
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Вы видите копию треда, сохраненную 22 ноября в 02:47.

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