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About Russian relationships (femalemale) CL 130953 В конец треда | Веб
It's true that Russian women like alpha male, tough, very masculine men, but what about men who are effeminate and not gay?
RU 2 130954
>>0953 (OP)
they'd use you for money (no sex)
RU 3 130988
>>0953 (OP)
Women like different ones. Moreover, not everyone likes masculine alpha males, they have a lot of problems with them, besides they are very stupid and limited. Some like various physical ‘flaws’ and other non-standard things in a man. You can trust me 100%.
RU 4 130994
>>0953 (OP)
In the modern world, all women are whores because their minds are corrupted by humanism and pan-americanism, with the exception, perhaps, of the most backward countries.
CL 5 131016

Thanks russian anon

natasha.png479 Кб, 566x608
PT 6 131027
2) Are Russian ethnic women very masculine nowadays?
RU 7 131056
They were there until they started to impose Western culture on us in 1917 and then in 1991. Now Russian women are almost no different in appearance from Western toilet bimbos, perhaps only those who have not been washed by the cancel culture and those who have preserved the Russian spirit as part of themselves.
RU 8 131062
Based post
RU 9 131070
>>0953 (OP)
No. Russian women as all modern women want only unique and valuable men - good looking like Keany from The Matrix, rich, from some other country with small immigrants. You can very easy (if compare with local guys) get a gf\sex just because you are from Latin America. So - the woman will tell her female friends "I had sex with a guy from Latin America". There is no you for her. There is Latin America and the fact she can tell her female friends to feel unique as herself to these female friends.
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