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11.jpg57 Кб, 468x269
AMA Georgia GE # OP 131266 В конец треда | Веб

I am Georgian, ask me anything + read the below and answer the question, please.

As you may or may not know, the country of Georgia is in great turmoil right now. Yesterday the opposition leaders signed pleas of refusal to join the parliament which, sidelining the constitution and basic human rights, was rejected by the Election Administration of Georgia. They basically have to be present in the parliament on 21st of November, otherwise, they will be arrested.

As I see it, there either is going to be a revolution on 21st of November, or the country will be slowly swallowed by Russia. There doesn't seem to be any other alternative.

With all this in mind, do you happen to know of any immigration policies suited for political refugees? I might be in need of one very shortly.
RU 2 131267
>>266 (OP)

>With all this in mind, do you happen to know of any immigration policies suited for political refugees? I might be in need of one very shortly.

Have non of them here. Gotta go dome place else.
RU 3 131268
>>266 (OP)
Ok, too bad for you I suppose, didn't know you had elections over there. What's the oppositions problem? Didn't get to fuck any sheep ? And why do they have to be present?
RU 4 131279
>>269 (Del)
>>270 (Del)


Take it easy, Taras. Sergeant Mykola Pidorashko is already waiting for you in the trench.
sage US 5 131351
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Двач.hk не отвечает.
Вы видите копию треда, сохраненную 21 ноября в 23:15.

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Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

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