cooking RU 132045 В конец треда | Веб
What are you cooking for the new year? Do you cook sausage and potato dishes like us?
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HU 2 132195
>>045 (OP)
No, we typically cook lentil soup on new years day (so you have a lot of money in the new year), and also stuff like picrel. (It's basically a soup with pork meat, smoked ham, bones, skin and garlic, which becomes a jelly when you let it cool down. No gelatine is used.)
US 3 132253
>>045 (OP)
It was nothing special. Cabbage and beef broth and two fingerling potatoes. The beef comes from beef stock. As you can tell, we are not exactly "well-to-do".
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RU 4 132255
Sounds cool. Thanks for the enlightenment. Always glad when this /int/section fulfills its function.

In Russia for some reason no one can live without Olivier salad, although I cannot deny that it is unrealistically delicious, but it is prepared not according to the original recipe of the Russian empire, but according to the Soviet one, which was created in conditions of availability of products, for example, instead of grouse meat they put boiled “doctor” sausage there. The picture on the right shows the traditional recipe and the “Soviet” recipe.

- not OP
RU 5 132256

>The picture on the right shows the traditional recipe and the “Soviet” recipe.

Right: Traditional
Left: Soviet

RU 6 132257
Ahahahahaha lol, I guess I'm not awake enough after my work shift

Right: Soviet
Left: Traditional

final fix
CN 7 132287
sülze.jpg193 Кб, 894x720
DE 8 132298
schweinebraten.jpg498 Кб, 1800x1200
DE 9 132299
That's called "french salad" here:
Could be good, but I hate mayo. Pork is popular here at new years eve, you can also buy pig figures made of Marzipan in the stores, as a symbol of luck.
CN 10 132319
Обними холодными руками своего невкусного холодца
piggu.jpg926 Кб, 2014x1620
DE 11 132427
Forgot the piggies.
RU 12 132443
Baseando! Very supero!
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