Why are Russian men dating Asian women these days so often? It was an exclusively North American trend in 2010s but nowadays I see Russian males dating East and Southeast Asian women too often.
Are Russian women so bad these days?
Are Russian women so bad these days?
>>240 (OP)
Belarusian ex-pat speaking. The attitudes of women changed with the culture... Truly I can only blame the 1990s, as this is when a lot of things went to shit on the cultural side of things. This goes for the entire Eastern Bloc. East Asia and the Middle East are seen as the last havens from this, but only East Asia has a ratio of females to males that are conducive to this.
I still think it is possible to find a decent woman in East Europe (as well as in America, though this is less common), having spoken to a few, but I always wonder about honesty. I have spoken to a lot of Romanians and Bulgarians, specifically, but also Polish ex-pats. (I anticipate a shitstorm from this.) The only one that really struck me as a bimbo was this Slovakian woman, who was married to a shopkeeper in town. Another Slovakian ex-pat (who is close to my age) said that his mother knew her and that she was always showing off to guys and really liked attention.
Truth be told, I would not date an Asian. Too many Asian gangsters in America (I pissed off a few at one point, but that is another story altogether, but nothing remarkable). I am sure that it is different in Asia itself.
One of the Romanians promised to come to America and see me. Wish me luck when that happens.
Belarusian ex-pat speaking. The attitudes of women changed with the culture... Truly I can only blame the 1990s, as this is when a lot of things went to shit on the cultural side of things. This goes for the entire Eastern Bloc. East Asia and the Middle East are seen as the last havens from this, but only East Asia has a ratio of females to males that are conducive to this.
I still think it is possible to find a decent woman in East Europe (as well as in America, though this is less common), having spoken to a few, but I always wonder about honesty. I have spoken to a lot of Romanians and Bulgarians, specifically, but also Polish ex-pats. (I anticipate a shitstorm from this.) The only one that really struck me as a bimbo was this Slovakian woman, who was married to a shopkeeper in town. Another Slovakian ex-pat (who is close to my age) said that his mother knew her and that she was always showing off to guys and really liked attention.
Truth be told, I would not date an Asian. Too many Asian gangsters in America (I pissed off a few at one point, but that is another story altogether, but nothing remarkable). I am sure that it is different in Asia itself.
One of the Romanians promised to come to America and see me. Wish me luck when that happens.
>>240 (OP)
That's not a new trend lol. U had russian/asian couples since the 60's but there were limited due to the fact u cannot really move freely inside URSS.
Now u just have a tons of them in any big cities in russia. Most are young and celibate. Some come from dirt poor places and want to stay here at any costs, others wanna have fun while far away from their families, so why not having fun?
I dated a kyrgiz girl during the pandemics, and a chinese exchange student lately, and i'm not really into asians. Got a good relationship with the kyrgiz girl, possible due to a common soviet heritage, but felt that culuralt differences are too big to start something really serious with the chinese one.
That's not a new trend lol. U had russian/asian couples since the 60's but there were limited due to the fact u cannot really move freely inside URSS.
Now u just have a tons of them in any big cities in russia. Most are young and celibate. Some come from dirt poor places and want to stay here at any costs, others wanna have fun while far away from their families, so why not having fun?
I dated a kyrgiz girl during the pandemics, and a chinese exchange student lately, and i'm not really into asians. Got a good relationship with the kyrgiz girl, possible due to a common soviet heritage, but felt that culuralt differences are too big to start something really serious with the chinese one.
1,1 Мб, webm,
640x640, 0:05
640x640, 0:05
안녕, 종종아! 한국 여자들은 미군들과 잘 지내나요? 그들은 진짜 즐거움을 경험하기 위해 현지 남자들이 정말 그리운 것 같아요. 왜냐하면 그들은 주머니에 김치를 넣은 여자가 아니라 진짜 남자들에게서 약간의 거칠고 만족할 줄 모르는 것을 원하기 때문입니다. 그러나 당신은 무엇을 할 수 있습니까? 그들은 아마도 당신의 작은 몸매와 논에서 지루한 주말을 그리워 할 것입니다. 당신의 딸들이 괜찮은 한국 남자를 찾기가 너무 어려워서 외국인에게 의지해야합니까? 글쎄요, '배려심'과 '자상함'이 넘치니 누군가는 그들과 함께 시간을 보내야 하겠죠. 어쨌든, 미국인들은 여자들을 만족시키는 방법을 잘 알고 있으니 걱정하지 마세요!
>>240 (OP)
Because of shitty demographics we have next to no young women.
Because of shitty demographics we have next to no young women.
114 Кб, 640x799
What ethnicity do they have? I heard there were many Koryo-saram women in Russia but very few Chinese
Who was better in bed?
>Now u just have a tons of them in any big cities in russia
What ethnicity do they have? I heard there were many Koryo-saram women in Russia but very few Chinese
>I dated a kyrgiz girl during the pandemics, and a chinese exchange student lately
Who was better in bed?
377 Кб, 2822x2417
Thuth said. There are more young males than young females at the age of 18-32 in Russia. But after the age of 32, there are more females than males. Russia is a great country for dating milfs.
>Because of shitty demographics we have next to no young women.
Thuth said. There are more young males than young females at the age of 18-32 in Russia. But after the age of 32, there are more females than males. Russia is a great country for dating milfs.
47 Кб, 550x734
>>240 (OP)
Those are women from Russia actually. Like the one on the pic. (From Buryatia) So why Russian men date women from Russia? IDK.
LOL. PRussians do that since 0 AD.
>>Russian males dating East and Southeast Asian women too often
Those are women from Russia actually. Like the one on the pic. (From Buryatia) So why Russian men date women from Russia? IDK.
>>It was an exclusively North American trend in 2010s
LOL. PRussians do that since 0 AD.
>>240 (OP)
It is your incel fantasies
It is your incel fantasies